New on this website
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Climb hills
Leg theory
new links for videos on the web (Jan-10)
created page of video analysis of V1 skate (Jan-09)
created page of drivers of power + speed for V1 skate (Jan-09)
modified overview of motion techniques + V1 skate (added three different styles + variations) - (Mar-08)
completely revised How to Survive Skating Up a Steep Hill page (Mar-06)
added new ideas to Skating is / is Not like Classic? page (Jan-06)
added ankle-flex as prerequisite to knee-extension to Secrets (Jan-06)
alas, JanneG's technic videos are no longer available on Web or FTP servers.
new page: principles of physics + biomechanics for Leg motions (Aug-05)
new page: double-push technique / under-push leg motions (Jly-05)
new page: overview of understanding details of how Skating leg motion works (Jly-05)
added details of sequece of phases in the Leg motion (Jly-05)
new page: details and analysis of all the muscle moves used in Leg motion (Jly-05)
added some new Secrets, removed some old Secrets, improved some others. (Apr-05)
modify Climbing Up a Hill :: Knee-drive Heel-drive move for ankle-flex for Hip-Knee-Ankle configuration. (Apr-05)
modify Climbing Up a Hill :: various modifications. (Apr-05)
new page: classic striding moves when using Climbing Skins (Apr-06)
add to discussion of smooth classic striding secret: leg-push from ankle out in front -- references to r.s.n thread and text of KenR post. (Apr-06)
add idea of pulling weight of legs up off ground to Double Poling motion (Jan-06)
Longer smoother leg-push "secret" :: added lots new analysis of using shin-muscle for propulsive work, and modified analysis of "forward knee drive" image (
Longer smoother leg-push "secret" :: added knee-drive move. (Apr-05)
Longer smoother leg-push "secret" :: added forward-hip-rotation move. (Apr-05)
Exercises for Learning Balance + Weight Commitment :: under "Advanced practice" :: added shoulders versus hips transfer, and added inside-pull-toward versus outside-push-away. (Apr-05)
Back-Lift more "secret" :: changed to allow hip to drop. (Mar-05)
Smoother longer leg-push "secret" :: added low-hip idea. (Mar-05)
Pole-push power "secret" :: added Tricks. (Jan-05)
Back-Lift move "secret" :: added Arm-Raise move ideas suggested by JanneG. (Jan-05)
added info about about lodging and driving to XC skiing around Lake Placid (Jan-06)
revised Cross-country skiing in France. (Apr-05)
added Cross-country skiing in France. (Feb-05)
update Route notes for Lake Placid Loppet course. (Dec-07)
list of Muscle moves available for skiingwith more detailed information (Jly-05)
Route notes for Lake Placid Loppet course. (Feb-05)
Lake Placid Loppet: added more detail to description. (Jan-05)
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