what's here

see also


Focus of technique

Maximum pole-push power.

  • compromise reactive side-force to achieve optimal pole-push

Analysis of approach

[ to be added


Muscles used

Upper Body double-pole-push muscles:

  • Arms and Shoulder muscles to directly push pole
  • Upper chest "crunch" to pull Shoulder joint down (and perhaps a little backward)
  • Waist and hip flexor muscles to pull chest and shoulder down


  • (possibly) Knee Flexors (hamstrings) to make butt-drop aspect of the double-pole-push quicker and more forceful.
  • Knee Extensors (quadriceps) to recover butt and hips up forward and high.  Which also raises the weight of the upper body, which is real work in building "potential energy", which can be released in a later phase to help add force to the pole-push.
  • (possibly some) Torso Rotation sideways -- slight reactive side-force to help the skate-push.

but in V2 Skate the side-to-side upper body forces are usually minimized in order to focus on up-and-down motion and on optimally pushing the poles straight back in the line of overall motion. 

Sequence of Phases

[ to be added


Video checkpoints

[ to be added


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