what's here
see also
[ under construction ]
This is one phase in a detailed analysis of the sequence of moves for Leg-push motions
of "normal push" method of skating. For more context and
an overview of all the phases of the sequence, see
the summary of normal-push phases.
Here are moves which are effective from close to
underneath the hip (and less effective further away):
transverse-hip-abduction, inward-hip-leg-rotation (with bent knee),
and ankle-pronation. Also forward-pelvis-rotation is effective
either close or far.
?? inward-knee-roll ?? There's another propulsive move available:
ankle-flexion -- ?? provided it has been prepared for by an
inward-knee-roll move which includes some hip-adduction. The
drawback is that the inward-knee-roll is counter-productive for
other propulsive work in the phase (especially the hip-abduction
move), so it's used mainly by ski-skaters, not much by inline or ice
I call this the "central" push phase because:
It's the obvious push that most people think this push with the big
hip-extensor muscles as the main push move of
(b) It comes in the center of this sequence of phases;
(c) The
major leg muscles, especially the hip-extensors, perhaps also
knee-extensors, are pushing through the
central section of their range-of-motion;
(d) It avoids getting too specific
about the overlaps with moves identified more closely with other Phases.
This phase goes from (roughly) the completion of three
"contractive" side-push moves (inward-knee-roll, ankle-pronation,
ankle-flexion), until (roughly) the start of the "full leg-extension"
moves (outward-knee-roll, ankle-supination, ankle-extension).
This phase typically overlaps with either or both of
Phase 1 and Phase 3. Perhaps some skaters just "reverse" immediately
from the "non-extension" side-pushes to the "leg-extension" pushes,
so they have no distinct Phase 2 at all.
But the biomechanical geometry of the leg-push and the
physics of transmission to the snow combine to make the Phase 1 moves
most effective when they are completed with the leg nearly vertical,
close underneath the skater's pushing hip, and the Phase 3 moves most
effective if started when the leg is more slanted down, way out to the
So there might be more propulsive power if those moves
are shoved out from the center of the total leg-push, which leaves the
center open to focus on the hip-extension push.
[ physics and biomechanics parameters that drive the
amount of added propulsion work -- and the additional time it takes to
perform that work. ]
?? [ to be added ]
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overview of phases | R 0
1 2 3 | d-p
phases | more Leg
for forward propulsion:
also continuation of
also perhaps initiation of
back to Top |
overview of phases | R 0
1 2 3 | d-p
phases | more Leg
Some coaches say that we should only think about the
sideways component of the push -- because the backward component feels
so "natural" that we could never forget it -- But that consciously
thinking about the backward component will make us forget the sideways
Some coaches say should continue to think of
driving the heel back during this phase.
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overview of phases | R 0
1 2 3 | d-p
phases | more Leg
back to Top | Leg
motion | more Motion techniques
| Resources | more
back to Top | Leg
motion | more Motion techniques
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